St. Croix Sheep
The Pasture's Best Friend
The Sheep That Just Keeps Giving
From the St. Croix Hair Sheep Breeders Page:
“Caribbean hair sheep, such as the St. Croix, are prolific and breed throughout the year and thus are of value to the U.S. sheep industry. With no shearing costs, strong parasite resistance, no fly strike, high lamb survivability, good mothering instincts and good flocking, the St. Croix Sheep has a lot to offer shepherds in the US.
Their hair coat is smooth in summer and thicker with mixed hair and downy undercoat in winter. They naturally shed their coat and never require shearing. Mature rams sport a lion-like mane that may fall down to the knees. Mature rams weigh up to 200 lbs and ewes up to 150 lbs. Birth weights for twins average 7 lbs.
Commercial St. Croix Sheep For Sale:
Last updated 9/20/2022

Commercial St. Croix Rams
Ram Price – $200 each
Wether (Castrated Male) Price – $200
* Next lambs due April, 2023 *
If you’re interested in getting on our waitlist or have questions, call 573-317-6343 or email

Commercial St. Croix Ewes
Price – $250 each
* Next lambs due April, 2023 *
If you’re interested in getting on our waitlist or you have questions, call 573-317-6343 or email