Livestock For Sale

Kiko Goats
We breed both Nubian and Kiko goats. Nubians produce superb milk that we turn into skin nourishing goat milk lotion. Our Kikos are bred for parasite resistance and raised to deliver high quality grass-fed goat meat.

Idaho Pasture Pigs
Idaho Pasture Pigs are the perfect pasture pig, just as the name implies. Their ability to consume more grass and less grain makes their meat out of this world delicious and their impact on the pastures minimal. We specialize in both breeding stock and feeder piglets.

Miniature Jersey Cows
Miniature Jersey cows measure between 38″ to 44″ and will produce between 1-4 gallons of milk per day. They are a wonderful solution for a family milk cow as you don’t have to milk them twice a day and you have less milk to deal with than a commercial dairy cow. All of our Jersey cows are handled regularly and are well accustomed to children and other animals.

St. Croix Sheep
Our commercial St. Croix sheep are bred for worm resistance and quality of meat. This means we don’t have to use de-wormers on our sheep unless absolutely necessary, making the lamb meat that much better for you!