Idaho Pasture Pigs
The Farmer's Best Friend
Introducing The Grazing Meat Pig
From the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry Page:
“The Idaho Pasture Pig (IPP) is a newer breed of pig that is composed of the Duroc, Old Berkshire, and the Kunekune pig. These are true “grazing” pigs and are very gentle in nature, have great personalities, are easy to work with, are smaller in size then traditional pigs, are great mothers, are able to live outdoors all year round, and can grow extremely well with a diet of primarily grass.
Provided these pigs receive the necessary minerals their bodies require, they will not root in the ground like traditional pigs. If they are deficient in minerals, they will be forced to dig in the ground to get the minerals their bodies are craving.
One of the benefits of this breed is their smaller mature size. Ideally, sows should mature out at 250 – 350 pounds whereas the boars should mature out at 350 – 450 pounds. When feeding a diet of primarily grass, the butcher pigs should reach a butcher weight of about 230 – 250 in approximately 10 months.”
Registered Idaho Pasture Pigs For Sale:
Last Updated on 9/20/2022

Spring Litters
Registered Gilt Price – $450
Registered Boar Price – $300
* Our next litters are expected to arrive April, 2023 *
We are very picky in choosing future breeders and so only about 20% of each litter will be sold as registered breeders.
Mother – DGS Diana F0566 & RKT Diana I1382
Father – MCF Bandit G0072
If interested in getting on our waitlist, call 573-317-6343 or email
Idaho Pasture Pig Feeders For Sale:

Spring Feeders
Price – $150
* Our next litters are expected to arrive April, 2023 *
Estimated butcher weight @ 10 months old – 250lbs
We love using IPP pigs for our family’s pork needs. They finish out really well with nice red marbled meat. They also require 40% to 50% less grain than traditional breeds, which makes them a lot cheaper to raise!
If interested in being added to our waitlist, call 573-317-6343 or email