Kiko Goats
The Weed's Worst Enemy
The Meat Goat That Just Doesn't Die
From the Kiko Goat Extension Page:
“The primary characteristic of the Kiko goat is its hardiness and its ability to achieve substantial weight gains when run under natural conditions without supplementary feeding. In addition, the female is capable of conceiving, carrying and giving birth to and rearing multiple offspring without intervention under less than ideal conditions. The Kiko is an aggressive forager, capable of thriving under conditions of feed deprivation.
The Kiko was developed in New Zealand to create a more muscular and productive indigenous goat. They have been in the United States only since about 1995. They grow rapidly, are somewhat angular in appearance, prolific and tolerant of rustic conditions. There is some indication the breed as a whole carries a useful level of resistance to internal parasites. They tend to be active and athletic and are aggressive breeders which makes them good at survival, but it also can make them a challenge to manage.“
Commercial Kiko Goats For Sale:
Last updated 9/20/2022

Commercial Kiko Bucklings
Price – $250 each
* Next kids due November 2022 *
If interested in getting on our waitlist, call 573-317-6343 or email

Commercial Kiko Doelings
Price – $400 each
* Next kids due November 2022 *
If interested in getting on our waitlist, call 573-317-6343 or email