Waltz Avenue Farms

Farming from the ground up.

Hamilton, MO

Healthy Food Starts In The Soil

“It is true that fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. The main culprit in this disturbing nutritional trend is soil depletion.” – Scientific American

We are passionate about creating a healthy ecosystem here on our farm that supports nutrient rich soil growth, which in turns translates into happier animals and healthier food for all of us.

Hi! We're the Dawson family, owners and farmers of Waltz Avenue Farms.

Livestock Raised On The Farm

regenerative farming using sheep

Commercial St. Croix Sheep

Our commercial St. Croix sheep are bred for worm resistance and quality of meat. This means we don't have to use de-wormers on our sheep unless absolutely necessary, making the lamb meat that much better for you! We specialize in grass fed lamb meat.

Registered IPP Pigs

Idaho Pasture Pigs are the perfect pasture pig, just as the name implies. Their ability to consume more grass and less grain makes their meat out of this world delicious and their impact on the pastures minimal. We specialize in breeding stock.

Registered Miniature Jersey Cows

Miniature Jersey cows are the homesteader's best friend! They provide just enough milk for a medium sized family without requiring you to go out and milk them twice a day! They also need less land and less water than a commercial dairy cow.

Commercial Kiko Goats

We breed both Nubian and Kiko goats. Nubians produce superb milk that we turn into skin nourishing goat milk lotion. Our Kikos are bred for parasite resistance and raised to deliver high quality grass-fed goat meat.

What's New With The Farm:

Farm Journal Entry 005: Introducing Our New Mini Cow!

Our first miniature jersey calf was born on the farm last month which precipitated a lot of changes on the farm! Now our morning chores include milking a cow, processing that milk, and separating cream from the previous day’s milk. It’s been a fun adventure, to be sure.

Farm Journal Entry 004: Morning Farm Routines & Pig Math

This last year has been both the hardest and most rewarding. We moved into the garage, started living off water collection, finished the house and moved into it, bought sheep, halter trained a wild horse, bough pigs, created hay fields out of locust fields, wrote a book, built a pond... and found out that we were pregnant!

How to Raise Friendly Goats

Tips And Tricks For Raising Friendly Goats

We have been raising friendly goats for about 5 years now and have experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. We’ve been on farms where the goats run from you, bite at you, and kick and scream to get away from you. That’s not the type of farm we wanted to have! For the […]

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